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Why St Mary's College Year 5 is the Perfect Start for Your Son!

12th September 2023

Choosing the right educational path for your child is a significant decision. It's about providing them with not just academic knowledge but also fostering personal growth and character development. St Mary's College, with its outstanding Year 5 program, offers a unique and enriching experience that sets the stage for a successful future.

A Dynamic Learning Environment

At St Mary's College Primary, boys in Years 5 and 6 are given the opportunity to immerse themselves fully in college life. Here, education goes beyond textbooks and exams; it's about nurturing each student's potential through exciting, engaging, meaningful, and fun learning experiences.

Small Class Sizes, Big Opportunities

With approximately 150 boys across Years 5 and 6, our small class sizes ensure personalised attention. Each classroom is equipped with interactive whiteboards, laptops for each student, and a digital microphone sound system, enabling our dedicated teachers to deliver a vibrant and relevant curriculum tailored to the students' needs and interests.

Seamless Transition to Secondary

One unique aspect of St Mary's College Primary is its affiliation with the Secondary College on the same campus. This arrangement offers numerous advantages, including access to specialist teachers in subjects like Japanese, Music, Digital Technology, Design Technology, STEM, Visual Art, and Drama. Students also benefit from modern facilities and enjoy mentorship from senior students, easing the transition into Year 7.

Personalised Care and Support

While students enjoy the benefits of the Secondary College, they are still recognised as Primary students. Each class has a dedicated teacher responsible for both pastoral care and academic progress. This approach is supported by a Primary Leader and Director of Curriculum, ensuring that every student's learning needs are met.

Enriched Curriculum and Co-curricular Opportunities

Our curriculum is dynamic, challenging, and engaging, with a strong focus on core subjects like English, Mathematics, Religious Education, Physical Education, and HASS. In addition to these, students participate in a rich co-curricular program, including sports, chess, reader's cup, camps, retreats, and more. We also celebrate our faith through Mass, liturgies, and daily classroom prayer, embodying the Catholic tradition.

Engaging Music Program

Our vibrant music program is a highlight. Year 5 students learn a band instrument in groups, participate in group lessons, and showcase their musical achievements through class bands.

Strong Parental Involvement

At St Mary's College Primary, we believe that parents are essential partners in their child's education. We view our school as an extension of home, and thus, parent contact, communication, and involvement are integral.

Leadership Opportunities & Graduation

We are committed to nurturing leadership skills in our students from an early age. Year 6 students have the opportunity to take on leadership roles, including captains, vice-captains, and house leaders. These roles empower them to make a positive impact on their peers and school community, instilling qualities of responsibility and teamwork that will serve them well in the future.

The culmination of their primary journey is marked by a grand and formal graduation ceremony, where we celebrate not only their academic achievements but also the growth and transformation they've undergone during their time with us. It's a moment of pride for students, parents, and teachers alike. This ceremony reflects our belief in recognising and rewarding the hard work and dedication of our students, as they embark on the exciting transition to Year 7 and beyond, carrying with them the lessons, friendships, and leadership skills they've developed throughout their time in the primary at St Mary's College.

Choosing St Mary's College for your son's Year 5 journey means providing them with a well-rounded, enriching, and supportive environment where they can thrive academically, personally, and spiritually. It's about preparing them to become future leaders who are resilient, compassionate, and well-prepared for the challenges ahead. Join us on this exciting educational adventure.

Now accepting 2025 enrolments. Limited spaces remain for Year 5 in 2024. Find out more information at