Our Vision
Today’s Boys, Men for Tomorrow
Our Mission
Catholic education in the Edmund Rice tradition, empowering our students to be men of faith, integrity, action and excellence.
Our Values
The Touchstones, following Blessed Edmund’s example, help us to reflect and aim to transform the Gospel into a living reality in our community.
As a Catholic school in the Edmund Rice tradition, we aspire to be faithful to these four touchstones:

Liberating Education
We open hearts and minds, through quality teaching and learning experiences, so that through critical reflection and engagement, each person is hope-filled and free to build a better world for all.
Gospel Spirituality
We invite all people into the story of Jesus and strive to make his message of compassion, justice and peace a living reality within our community.
Inclusive Community
Our community is accepting and welcoming, fostering right relationships and committed to the common good.
Justice & Solidarity
We are committed to justice and peace for all, grounded in a spirituality of action and reflection that calls us to stand in solidarity with those who are marginalised the Earth itself.