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Belonging through Culture: St Mary's Collective Story

20th September 2023

This collective work, "Belonging through Culture: St Mary's Collective Story" is a testament to the artistic talent and cultural depth of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander boys at the College, spanning from Years 5 to 12. Guided and supported by the visionary artist Peter Mu-raay Djeripi Mulcahy, this piece encapsulates profound themes that resonate with our heritage, values, and aspirations.

At the heart of this artwork lies the White Circle, a symbol representing the Creator. This circle has no beginning or end, signifying the timeless nature of our culture and the unity of all existence as one interconnected whole.

Embedded within this cosmic canvas are celestial references to star systems like the Pleiades (Mieaay Mieaay) and Orion (Birraay Birraay), which symbolise the spiritual connection between our people and the stars.

The Pleiades represent the female place in the stars, while Orion signifies the male place, reflecting the balance and harmony in our cosmology.

Emu feathers are featured prominently, offering a profound reminder of the choices we make in life. These feathers remind us that what we believe, think, say, and do shapes our journey, with each choice echoing like the rustle of emu feathers.

The boomerangs, eternally returning, emphasize the importance of the energy we put into the world, as it inevitably circles back to us. This cyclical motion encourages reflection on our actions and their consequences.

The four circle camps are a representation of the homes and cultures of our boys, where they originate and belong.

The fires at the centre of each camp pay homage to our ancestors who now sit around the campfires in the sky, the stars, watching over and guiding us.

The Eagle and the Echidna embody essential qualities we seek to cultivate in our boys. The Eagle symbolises great leadership, soaring high in belief, thought, word, and action. The Echidna represents protection and strength, with its spines symbolising the spears of each boy as they grow into strong, protective, and caring men of their school, families, children, partners, and themselves. The Echidna also cradles the central figure of the school, representing the interconnectedness of students, teachers, and staff in our community.

The Emu images celebrate the roles and responsibilities of both males and females, recognising the complementary nature of these roles in our culture. A creature we hold dear to us at St Mary’s College.

The Footprints serve as a reminder of the young boys who enter St Mary's, making their mark on the school and the world as they grow from small to large, leaving their unique imprints on their journey.

The Carpet Snake symbolises spiritual power, strength, and sensitivity, reflecting the essence of our cultural heritage.

Finally, the handprints are the signatures of all those who contributed to the creation of this artwork and who are dedicated to preserving and passing on the rich heritage of our ancient ways. These handprints represent the unity of purpose in our community and the commitment to uphold these traditions.

"Belonging through Culture: St Mary's Collective Story" is a visual tapestry that weaves together our past, present, and future, a testament to the resilience, creativity, and cultural richness of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander boys at the College, and an enduring reminder of the values we hold dear.